Associate a layout when a project field changes

Associate a layout when a project field changes


For the execution of this rule, there must be:

  • Layout that will be associated with the project.

  • A project field to change its value. In this case we are going to use the Category, a project field created by Jira.

Configure the rule trigger

Create a new trigger → Incoming webhook 

Copy the autogenerated Webhook URL and the Secret from the incoming webhook.

Set the field “Execute this automation rule with“ with “No issues from the webhook“


Create a Projectrak outgoing webhook

In order to the rule will be executed when a project field changed we need to create a outgoing webhook pointing to the Automation Incoming webhook url.

Go to: Administration → Apps → Projectrak → Projectrak outgoing webhooks

Create a new webhook

Set the name of the webhook and the url with the previously copied url from the Automation incoming webhook and save.



Because of this change (https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/configure-the-incoming-webhook-trigger-in-atlassian-automation/ ), you have to add a slash and the secret at the end of the Webhook URL (https://URL/SECRET)


Now you have linked Projectrak with Automation rule.

Now, when a Projectrak field value is edited in any project, the Automation rule will be triggered.


Configure the rule steps

You can see the information that will be sent to the rule every time a field is updated in a project here: Outgoing webhooks

1. Getting the project id


2. Get the new project category from the webhook data

  • Create an action: Create variable

  • Variable name: projectCategoryChanged

  • Smart value: {{#webhookData.fields}}{{#if(equals(name,"Category"))}}{{value.current}}{{/}}{{/}}


3. Set the layout id in a variable

Go to the administration table of layouts and get the id of the layout from the first column.

  • Create an action: Create variable

  • Variable name: layoutId

  • Smart value: <LAYOUT_ID>

4. If the rule should be executed continue

  • Create a condition: Advanced compare condition

  • First value: {{projectCategoryChanged}}

  • Condition: equals

  • Second value: <CATEGORY_NAME>


5. Get the Projectrak authorisation JWT

6. Associate the layout to the current project

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