Projectrak as condition - After an issue is created, if the project is in Off track status, update the issue priority to highest

Projectrak as condition - After an issue is created, if the project is in Off track status, update the issue priority to highest


To perform this use case, you need to have technical knowledge. If you need any kind of help, you can contact us through help@deiser.com

Create an automation rule

1. Configure trigger

Create a new trigger → Issue created

2. Get the authorization token

Add the steps “Get the Projectrak JWT” and then “Store the JWT in a variable“, described at this link: How to create a Projectrak authorization in Automation for Jira

If you don’t have already created a Projectrak API token , you have to do so as described in the first steps of the above link. If you have already got it, you can reuse it.


3. Get the value of the project field for the issue project

Add component → New action → Send web request

For this example, our Status field from Projectrak has the id: 25 

 Replace using your id

  • Web request URL: https://profields-cloud.deiser.com/values/projects/{{issue.project.id}}/fields/25

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • Authorization: Bearer {{projectrakJwt}}  → defined in step 2

  • HTTP method: GET

  • Web request body: Empty

  • Check: Delay execution of subsequent rule actions until we've received a response for this web request

5. Store the project field value in a variable

Add component → New action → Create variable

  • Variable name: projectrakValue

  • Smart value:  {{webResponse.body.value.value.value}}

6. Compare the project field value with the desired value

Add component → New condition → Advanced compare condition

  • Variable name: projectrakValue

  • Condition:  equals

  • Second value: Off track

7. Change the issue field

Add component → New action → Edit issue

  • Choose fields to set...: Priority

  • Priority:  Highest