

REST Api reference:


How to authenticate in Projectrak REST Api:

Generate API key ID and API Key

Why is this a necessary step?

This will be the information that each customer will have to provide you to use Projectrak data in your app.

Step 1 Go to the Project Navigator


Step 2 Go to API Integrations 

Step 3 Create API key

Clic on the button:

Fill the name:

Step 4 Create your credentials (copy or save temporarily the "API key ID" and "API key")


Using Projectrak API

Integrate your app with Projectrak using this API documentation: https://profields-cloud.deiser.com/swagger-ui.html

Login into Projectrak

The first service you will need to integrate your app with Projectrak is api-keys/jwt to create a new JWT (JSON web token):


Request example
> curl -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"name\": \"<API_KEY_ID>\",\"password\": \"<API_KEY>\"}" \ https://profields-cloud.deiser.com/api-keys/jwt

This will provide you with a JWT that you must incorporate in all calls. This JWT has an expiration date, if receive an error 401 in your calls, please create a new JWT again.

This JWT has an expiration date, if receive an error 401 in your calls, please create a new JWT again.

Response example
{     "jwt": "MzAwMDY5ZTgyMmFmIiwiYmFzZVVSTCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcWE...",     "baseUrl": "https://documentation-deiser.atlassian.net",     "clientKey": "fabf8b45-e66c-3fa5-832b-684631f2d003",     "accountId": "60f02aedf85746438494e822af",     "created": "2022-02-17T10:22:15.121+0000",     "expired": "2022-02-18T02:22:15.121+0000" <--- EXPIRATION DATE }

Use the JWT in a request:

To use the JWT in any request you need to use Bearer Authentication.

Request example
> curl -X GET \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT>" \ https://profields-cloud.deiser.com/fields

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