Set issue watchers from a Projectrak field on issue creation

Set issue watchers from a Projectrak field on issue creation

This example describes the automatic set of the issue watcher users when it’s created based on the project component type.
The issue watchers to set are stored in a Projectrak field as source.

In the case described here, when an issue is created with a “Software” Component field value, the issue watchers will be set to the members from a Projectrak user field called “Software team”.


0. Rule context

  • The project(s) that the Automation rule will run on issue creation, must have some Components created, such as the following:

  • The issue creation screen for that project(s), must have the Components field added and visible.

  • A Projectrak user (multiple select) must be created from the Projectrak field manager.
    Then, get the field id which is: 262552, in this example.

  • Finally set member for that field in the desired project(s)


1. Create an Automation rule

Go to: Settings \ System \ Global Automation, and create a new rule.

You can also go there with a direct link, just replacing <your_instance> with yours:

You can restrict the scope of this rule to run only for the desired project in the "Rule details" section.


2 . Rule step: configure a “Issue created” trigger


3. Rule step: configure a condition based on a issue field

Add component → New condition → Issue fields condition

  • Field: Components

  • Condition:  equals

  • Second value: Software


4. Get the Projectrak authorization token and store it in a variable

If you don’t have a Projectrak API token yet, follow the first steps (1 to 5) of the link below.
If you have already got it, you can reuse it.

Add to the rule the last 2 steps described in this link: How to create a Projectrak authorization in Automation for Jira

  • “6. Get the Projectrak JWT”

  • “7. Store the JWT in a variable“


5. Rule step: get the “Software team” field members from the project data

Add component → New action → Send web request

Replace the <field_id> with the one obtained in step 0

  • Web request URL: https://profields-cloud.deiser.com/values/projects/{{issue.project.id}}/fields/<field_id>

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • Authorization: Bearer {{projectrakJwt}}

  • HTTP method: GET

  • Web request body: Empty

  • Check: Delay execution of subsequent rule actions until we've received a response for this web request


6. Rule step: iterate each project

Add component → New branch → Advanced branching

  • Smart value: {{#webResponse.body.value}}{{value}}{{/}}

  • Variable name: memberId


7. Get a Jira API token

If you don’t have a Jira API token yet, please go to this page and generate it:
If you have already one, you can reuse it.

Once created the Jira API token, open a Linux terminal and execute this command to generate a base64 authentication string:

  • For Windows powershell, please refer this link.

Copy the result string for the next step, please.


8. Rule step: set the issue watchers

Add component → New action → Send web request

  • Web request URL: https://<your_instance>.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/{{issue.id}}/watchers

  • Headers:

    • Accept: application/json

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • Authorization: Basic <Jira base64 authentication string>

  • HTTP method: POST

  • Web request body: Custom data

  • Custom data: "{{memberId}}"


And that’s pretty much it!