Suggest features and explore our roadmap
Have ideas for new features or improvements? Here's how you can contribute and stay informed about our plans for the future.
How to Suggest a New Feature or Improvement
Submit your idea
Visit our support portal to explain your need and provide details about the feature or improvement you’re suggesting.Our review process
Our team will evaluate your request and may reach out for more information.
Suggestions are tracked using Jira Product Discovery, where our product managers assess them regularly. You'll be notified if your idea is selected.
How we choose what to implement
We use multiple factors to decide which suggestions to prioritize:
Customer feedback: Collected via interviews, surveys, in-app feedback, and conversations at Atlassian and Deiser events.
Support team insights: Understanding the most common and challenging issues faced by customers.
Solution partner insights: Leveraging expertise to address real-world needs at scale.
Product analytics: Gaining insights into how current features are being used.
Product strategy: Ensuring alignment with our long-term vision for the product.
Stay updated on what’s next
Explore our product roadmap to discover upcoming features and improvements. We regularly update the roadmap to reflect the latest developments across all our Jira apps.
Accessing new features and improvements
To benefit from new features and updates, make sure to upgrade to the latest version of your Cloud or Data Center product.