Implement default values on Projectrak Data Center

Implement default values on Projectrak Data Center




We need to set a default value for a Projectrak custom field when a new project is created. 


Thanks to the integration with Automation for Jira, you can easily create an automatic rule to achieve this.

Please, follow these simple steps:
Prerequisites: Automation for Jira must be installed too.

1. Go to Jira Administration > System > Automation for Jira > Automation rules.

2. Once in here, please select Create new rule.

3. On this page you should select the trigger for the rule to be launched. In this case, we'll select Project Created because we need an action to be automatically done when creating a Project.

4. The next step would be to select an Action for this trigger. We've chosen to Update a project as this will change the value in the field we'll choose next.

5. On this page you will be able to select:
* Project that will be updated: we want it to launch in the same project that we've just created.
* Fields: the Projectrak fields you would like to update. As you add fields, you will see them in the lost below.

6. For this example we'll choose Status as the field to be updated.

7. And *PENDING* as the default status.

8. After setting this up, you can "Save" the rule and as a result, you'll see it in the *Rule's list*

9. Now, when a project is created, the default value for the Status field in that same project, will be *PENDING*, as you can see in the screenshot below.