See Projectrak fields in my issues in Data Center

See Projectrak fields in my issues in Data Center




I have created some Projectrak project fields which I would like to see in those project's issues. How can I achieve that?


It is possible to add those fields to your issues and this is by adding them as Jira custom fields. It is as simple as:

  1. Go to the Fields page un Projectrak. 
  2. Find a field you want to add as a Jira custom field.
  3. Go to the "Edit" screen from that same field by selecting "Edit" in the "more options button. 
  4. Once there, open the "more options" button again and choose "Map into a Jira issue custom field". 

You can also recognize which fields have been mapped into a Jira custom field thanks to the icon next to it, while in the fields list.