Excel export

Excel export


With Excel export, you can extract flexible data for analysis, customized reporting, data sharing, and record-keeping outside the platform. Here's what exported data looks like and how to format it before exporting.

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-24 a las 18.42.50.png


Rows look like this

By default, every row is an issue, and if you export transitions or comments the rows will not be merged, so there will be no merged cells hat hinder sorting and filtering of data.

Frame 418.png

Columns areas:

  1. Issue fields green color header (e.g., Key, Summary, Story points).

  2. Comments, purple header, with details like author, visibility, and timestamp.

  3. Transitions, blue color header, with historical data such as initial/final statuses and time spent in each status.


Sections explained


Comments in the export include:

  • Author and timestamp.

  • Visibility settings (e.g., public or restricted).

  • The comment content.




Transition data contains detailed progress information, including:

  • Transition dates and times.

  • Initial and final statuses.

  • Time spent in each status.



Approval data includes:

  • Approval decision (e.g., Approved, Rejected).

  • Outcome status after the decision.

  • Timestamp and approver details.



Please note, at the end of the file, you can find the original JQL, example:


Adapt data format before exporting

Date fields

  • Its format is the one the Jira instance has set in Look and field Complete Date/Time Format:

Duration fields

Duration fields, such as time spent, aggregate time spent, time estimate, aggregate time estimate, time original estimate, aggregate time original estimate:

  • Format: the one the Jira instance has set on Time tracking Time tracking format:

  • They are calculated based on Jira setting in Working hours per day and Working days per week

Transitions area - duration fields

"Time in final status" and Time in initial status:

  • Format: the one the Jira instance has set on Time tracking Time display format

  • They are calculated in real hours, not working hours. For example:

    • 3 days = 72 real hours, even if there are only 24 working hours.


Format number from Excel settings:

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