Bulk modify project components

Bulk modify project components

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Add component

1. The first thing would be to choose the Project/projects you want to add the component to.

2. Select Bulk operations > Components.

3. Choose the action to make. In this case, we'll choose 'Add component'.

4. In the next screen, you can choose what components to Add. Keep in mind that you can choose as many components as you like.

  • You won't be able to carry on until you fill up every component line.

  • If you decide you don't need a component, you can always delete it by choosing the garbage can icon on the right of the component line.

4. After selecting the category and clicking on 'Next', you'll see the confirmation screen, where you'll need to confirm the actions you are about to make. Please, read carefully.

5. By selecting 'Confirm' the process will start. When it finishes, you'll be able to see what changes have been applied to what project.

That's it! You have successfully added components to projects in a really simple way.

Remove component

1. The first thing would be to choose the Project/projects you want to remove the component/s from.

2. Select Bulk Operations > Components.

3. Choose the action to be done. In this case, we'll choose 'Remove component'.

4. In the next screen, you can choose between 2 actions'Remove all components from the selected project' or 'Select the component you want to remove'. In this case, we'll choose 'Remove all components' and select 'Next'.

5. On this confirmation screen, you'll find all the changes to be made. Please, read carefully before selecting 'Next'.

6. By selecting 'Next' the process will start and when it finishes you'll be able to see what changes have been applied to what project.

And it's done! You have successfully removed all components from your selected projects or not if there were any problems. Keep in mind that choosing the option 'Select the component you want to remove' in Step 4 will have similar results, with only the chosen components being removed.