Permissions approach

Permissions approach

Permissions are a very important part of Project tracking. Here you will find the Permissions table where you will be able to see what kind of permission Projectrak can provide in your instance, the level where they apply, and where to set them. 



Where to set

Projectrak administration

Projectrak administrators can create fields and layouts, and associate projects with layouts.
Use this permission to delegate the administration of Projectrak to users that don't have the Jira Administrator role.


Jira administration 
 Manage Apps
                Projectrak administration

Project bulk operations

Modify or delete several projects, roles, project leads, layouts, categories, components, and project fields at the same time.
Only Jira administrators can delete projects and modify categories.


Jira administration 
                Global permissions

View project fields values

Ability to view the values of the project fields. It can be limited if fields have restricted visibility.


Two paths:

Project (for a specific project)

 Project settings

Permission schemes


Jira administration (all projects)


Permissions schemes

Edit project field values

Ability to view the values of the project fields.


Associated layouts

Ability to associate existing layouts with projects


Watch projects

Ability to receive email notifications when project values change. Except for script and cumulative fields.


Viewers of the field values

Projectrak administrators can restrict the visibility of any Projectrak fields by choosing the project role that will be able to view this field.




Create /edit field

 Advanced settings

Editors of the field values

Projectrak administrators can restrict the visibility of any Projectrak fields by choosing the project role that will be able to edit this field.




Create /edit field

 Advanced settings

Default permissions 

At the installation of Projectrak your permissions are set up like this:


Jira administrator

Projectrak administrator

Project administrator

Project user

Jira bulk user

Projectrak administration




Project bulk operations





View project fields values



Edit project fields values




Associate layouts



Watch projects




Viewers of the field values

Editors of the field values


Related content

Track changes related to the field values
Track changes related to the field values
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JQL (Jira Query Language) functions
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Jira standardization with Projectrak
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