(8.5.1) Project fields summary

(8.5.1) Project fields summary

This Gadget generates a summary that shows the values of project fields for the projects returned by a search.

You can add this Gadget by searching on Projectrak: Project fields Summary (New).

How to configure "Project fields summary" gadget

The first steps are the same as adding a new gadget into your Jira Dashboard, just by selecting "Add a gadget" and searching for Projectrak gadgets.

Upon selecting "Projectrak project statistics" you will see the configuration screen for it. Here you will be able to set up the information you want to be shown in the gadget. Here you will find the following fields:

1. Title: this will allow you to set up a name for the gadget in order to recognize it at first glance.

2. Source of the gadget: here you will be able to choose between fetching your information form a PQL query (if left empty, the gadget will show the results for all your projects) or an already saved Projectrak filter. 

3. Customize fields: You can customize the columns displayed in the result. If you've chosen Write PQL, this options is checked and it is not modifiable. If you choose From filter and this option is checked, you can select the fields you want to show in the control named Fields to display. If you untick the checkbox, the fields to display are the columns stored in the filter when it was created.

4. Fields to display: You can select the columns you want to display and the order of them. To add a column, simply select a field from the drop-down list and click Add. You can remove a field by clicking on the Trash icon:

As soon as you hit the "Save" button you will see the "Project fields summary" gadget in action.