(8.5.1) Manage project fields

(8.5.1) Manage project fields

In this section, you will know the predefined fields and learn about the different types of project fields available and their individual properties, and how to manage them.

Step 0: Understanding predefined fields

When Projectrak is installed, a few predefined fields will be created for you to use in your projects. These fields can be copied and edited but not deleted.

1. Created Date: Once Projectrak is installed, this field will store the creation date of each project.

We will retrieve the creation date of the projects created before installing Projectrak from Jira's audit-log, but it is possible that we will not find them, in that case this field will be empty. 

2. Creator: Once Projectrak is installed, this field will store the user who created the project.

We will retrieve the creation date of the projects created before installing Projectrak from Jira's audit-log, but it is possible that we will not find them, in that case this field will be empty. 

3. Status: Available for you to store the status of your project.

4. Priority: Available for you to store the urgency, priority, or criticality of your project. 

5. End date: Available for you to store the date set for the completion of the project.

6. What are we doing? Available to communicate with other users what's being done.

7. Why are we doing it? Available to communicate the reasons for this project's carrying out.

8. What will success look like?  Available to communicate what's expected when the project is concluded.

9. Related Projects: This field allows identifying possible risks due to the dependency between projects.

10. Stakeholders: This field allows to identify and involve the people interested in a particular project

Step 1: Fields manager

1. Go to Projectrak → Fields. A list of your project fields will be displayed.

2. You can navigate through the list and search the fields using the text box at the top-right of the screen.

Step 2: Performing actions

Every field has three actions:

1. Edit: Allows you to edit the details and configuration of the field

2. Copy: Duplicates fields

3. Delete: Permanently deletes the field (Remember, predefined fields cannot be deleted.)

Step 3: Creating a project field

1. Click on the Create field button at the top-right of the screen.

2. Select your preferred options and enter the required details. Depending on the type you select, there are different sections to complete.

Step 4: Field Types

Projectrak allows you to create 12 different types of fields. Here, you can find the explication for each one.

Pro tip

When trying to know what is the ID of a Projectrak custom field ID, you just need to hover over the name of the field and a tooltip will appear showing that specific ID. Please see the screenshot for reference.