Developers (API Integration)
Seamless API Integration: In this section you can connect effortlessly with external services.
This enables users to connect and interact with various services and platforms, enhancing functionality and providing more flexibility for custom workflows.
REST API Reference:
You must found the API documentation inside of the “API Documentation” in your instance:
How to authenticate in Budgety REST API:
Generate API key ID and API Key
Why is this a necessary step?
This will be the information that each customer will have to provide you to use Budgety data in your app.
Step 1 Go to the Apps dropdown and go to Budgety
Navigate to the Budgety page
Step 2 Go the the API Integration page
Click into the options button and then into the API Integration
Step 3 Create API key
Click on the button to create a new API Key
Step 4 Create your credentials (copy or save temporarily the API key ID and API key)
Using Budgety API
Integrate your app with Budgety using the documentation included in the API Documentation section.
Budgety is a native Forge app living in the Atlassian Cloud platform and for that we need to follow Atlassian current Forge rules. This implies that a REST API will generate automatically its own URLs for every customers and that is the reason behind the documentation in-app.
Login into Budgety
The first service you will need to integrate your app with Budgety is "Create a new JWT" (JSON web token)
Request example
curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{"name": "<API_KEY_ID>","password": "<API_KEY>"}" \
This will provide you with JWT that you must incorporate in all calls. This JWT has an expiration date, if receive an error 401 in your calls, please create a new JWT again.
Response example
"jwt": "jwt",
"baseUrl": "",
"accountId": "accountId",
"created": "2025-01-28T11:06:29.000Z",
"expired": "2025-01-29T03:06:29.000Z"
Use the JWT in a request
To use the JWT in any request you need to use Bearer Authentication.
Request example
> curl -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT>" \