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Budgety user manual

Welcome to Budgety: the budget and cost management solution for Jira.

Designed to simplify financial oversight, Budgety enables you to track project expenditures and analyze budgetary data with precision and ease.

Accessing Budgety

Start managing your budgets and costs by accessing Budgety directly from the Jira 'Apps' menu.

Budgety - Access.png
Budgety main menu


Another way to access Budgety is from the project page. When you click on this option in the sidebar, you will find a page with the budgets associated to that project, and from there you can navigate to each of them through its link.

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Budgety project tab


The first time you enter Budgety, you will be taken directly to the page of your first budget, so you can start entering data straightaway. Please, check the “Create a new budget” section for details.

Creating a New Budget

If you have filled your first Budget and want to create a new one, use the "Create budget" button on the reporting page. This action will redirect you to a new page with an empty budget template.


Filling in Budget Details

On the budget creation page, you have to enter various details:

Budget name: here you assign a title to your new budget. E.g.: Systems 2024.



  • Linked to: allows you to connect the budget to specific Jira projects or Jira issues.

  • Target budget: here you set your anticipated budgetary limits.


At the bottom of the screen, there is a section labeled "Costs history" where you can start inputting cost items straightaway.

When no costs have been entered yet, a minimalistic cost entry form is presented under the budget details. This form is designed to capture essential information rapidly.

Once you submit this initial cost, you can immediately start tracking your expenses against your budget.


After adding the first cost, this form is replaced by a table with the cost and a new "Add cost" button, leading you to a more detailed cost entry form.


Adding Costs

Within Budgety, cost management is a dynamic and detailed process that begins once you create your budget. The "Cost history" section will direct you to a simple form where you can add your first cost details.

It's important to note that the forms for cost entry vary depending on whether the cost is or is not associated with logged work. For costs based on logged work, you'll detail the work logs and associated costs. For costs non based on logged work, you'll specify units and cost per unit, making it straightforward to differentiate between various types of costs.


Adding a new cost will require you to fill in the following data:

Based on logged work

  • Yes: If you want to add costs that correlate with logged work hours, Budgety simplifies this process. The form for these types of costs includes fields for:

    • Work logged by: Selecting the work logged by specific team members.

    • From date and Until date: Specify the log work's date range.

    • Cost per hour: Indicating the cost per hour.

Budgety will recalculate costs based on logged work automatically everyday. This process will be executed only if the cost date range applies now.

  • No: For expenses that don't relate directly to logged work, you'll use a slightly different form that requires:

    • Assignee: The owner or assignee of the cost.

    • Date: Specifying the date on which the cost occurred.

    • Units: The number of units.

    • Cost per Unit: Indicating the cost per hour.



Cost description: Whether it is a logged work cost or not, fill in a description to help you identify the cost in the future.

Editing and Deleting Costs

Budgety offers flexibility in managing your costs. Each cost entry in your "Costs history" table comes with an action menu at the end of the row. This menu allows you to:

  • Edit: Refine or add more details to your cost entry, using the same detailed form used for adding new costs.

  • Delete: Remove a cost entry entirely if it was added in error or is no longer applicable.

Synchronize costs based in logged work

Every cost based in logged work is calculated every time the cost is created / edited. But there are two ways of recalculating a cost:

  • Automatically, Budgety will recalculate costs based in logged work from all Budgets where their data range applies now.

  • Manually, clicking in the Refresh unit hours button in the Costs History section of the Budget. This will recalculate all the costs based in logged work of that budget.


Tracking your budget

As you are adding costs, you will be able to track your budget from the top right-hand side of your screen. If there is a remaining budget you will see this number in green, if not it will be displayed in red.

Budgety Dashboard

When you reopen Budgety you will be presented with the Reporting Dashboard which provides a snapshot of the financial health of all your projects.

The dashboard includes a table listing all your budgets, and it's organized under three main tabs:

  • Summary: it gives you an overview of each budget's total cost and its remaining balance.

  • CAPEX vs OPEX: it categorizes each budget expenditure under Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) and/or Operational Expenditures (OPEX).

  • Direct vs Indirect: it categorizes total expenses under Direct or Indirect costs.


Below this table you will find a graph that shows each of your budgets, allowing you to have a visual understanding of your financial data.

Accessing a Budget

The budget page is where you will enter all the data, from the budget data itself to all the costs associated with it.
You can access the budget page from several places:

  • From the reporting page, through the link for each budget that appears in the data table.

  • From the budget selector that appears on the budget page and on the reporting page.

Review budgets linked to a project

Budgets can be linked to projects.

You can review the budgets linked to a particular project just by navigating to the Budgety page in the project.


Review budgets linked to an issue

Budgets can be linked to issues.

You can review the budgets linked to a particular issue just by navigating to that issue and clicking in the Budgets button. Then, an issue panel will be loaded with the linked Budgets information.

Changing the Default Currency

Located at the top-right hand side, the action menu allows access to the documentation, to support, and to the “Global Settings”; here you’ll be able to change the “default currency” for the whole instance.

You can change the default currency through the "Global Settings" found in the actions button:


You will be able to change the default currency here for your budget.

This is only a mask, we do not carry out currency conversion operations.