Developers (API integrations)

Developers (API integrations)


Seamless API Integration: In this section you can connect effortlessly with external services.
This enables users to connect and interact with various services and platforms, enhancing functionality and providing more flexibility for custom workflows.

With Exporter you can see all you APIs, create new ones, and manage them as you want.

REST Api reference:

API documentation

How to authenticate in Exporter REST Api:

Generate API key ID and API Key

Why is this a necessary step?

This will be the information that each customer will have to provide you to use Exporter data in your app.


Step 1 Go to the Apps dropdown and go to Export issues

Navigate to the Exporter issues page



Step 2 Create API key

Click on the button to create a new API Key

Group 395.png


Step 3 Create your credentials (copy or save temporarily the API key ID and API key)



Using Exporter API

Integrate your app with Exporter using this API documentation

Login into Exporter

The first service you will need to integrate your app with Exporter is api-keys/jwt to create a new JWT (JSON web token):

Create JWT

Request example
> curl -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"name\": \"<API_KEY_ID>\",\"password\": \"<API_KEY>\"}" \ https://exporter-cloud.deiser.com/api/v1/api-keys/jwt

This will provide you with a JWT that you must incorporate in all calls. This JWT has an expiration date, if receive an error 401 in your calls, please create a new JWT again.

This JWT has an expiration date, if receive an error 401 in your calls, please create a new JWT again.


Response example
{     "jwt": "MzAwMDY5ZTgyMmFmIiwiYmFzZVVSTCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcWE...",     "baseUrl": "https://documentation-deiser.atlassian.net",     "clientKey": "fabf8b45-e66c-3fa5-832b-684631f2d003",     "accountId": "60f02aedf85746438494e822af",     "created": "2022-02-17T10:22:15.121+0000",     "expired": "2022-02-18T02:22:15.121+0000" <--- EXPIRATION DATE }


Use the JWT in a request

To use the JWT in any request you need to use Bearer Authentication.

Request example
> curl -X GET \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT>" \ https://exporter-cloud.deiser.com/api/v1/exports