(8.1.2) Last release name

(8.1.2) Last release name


Last release name


It returns the name of the last version of the project based on its release date


Know which release was the last one

  • Release managers
  • Project managers
  • Product managers
  • Scrum Masters
  • Dev Teams
What does a Jira Project Represent?It represents Software that needs to pass though every development phase, including QA 

Project tracking and monitorization


1. Create a Projectrak Script field called "Last release name".

2. Insert the following Groovy script and modify according to your instance into "Last release name" field

Pre-requisites: N/A

Description: It returns the name of the last released version in the current project

Use in: It should be used as a Projectrak Script field

Variables in context: 

  • project [com.atlassian.jira.project.Project]: The current project

Groovy Script

package deiser.profields.scripts

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

// Get the released versions for the project. The archived versions are excluded.
def releasedVersions = ComponentAccessor.versionManager.getVersionsReleased(project.id, false)

// Get the latest version sorting by release date
def latestVersion = releasedVersions.sort { versionA, versionB -> (versionB.releaseDate <=> versionA.releaseDate) }.find {it!=null}

// Returns the name of the version
return latestVersion ? latestVersion.name : "-"

3. Configure the project's layout including all of the fields created.

4. Associate the Layout to the project you need this information to be applied to. 

5. The result show be something like this: (please, keep in mind that this is only an example and your results should vary from what it is shown in the screenshot).