(8.1.11) Manage permissions
In this section you will learn how to configure the different Projectrak permissions. If you want to know how Projectrak permissions works, please access here.
You need Jira administrator permissions to access this feature.
Projectrak administrator
Indicates who can administer Projectrak.
1. Go to the Jira administration section
2. Click on Manage Apps section.
3. In the left side menu, under the Projectrak section, click on Projectrak administration link.
Enable the tooltip to set up all Project administrators as Projectrak Administrators
Or disable the tooltip to set up who can administer Projectrak
Global permissions
Indicates who can execute bulk operations
1. Go to the Jira administration section
2. Click on System section.
3. In the left side menu click on Global permission link.
4. Choose the groups that can execute bulk operations.
Permission scheme
Indicates who can do what with Projectrak on each project.
1. Go to the Jira administration section
2. Click on Issues section.
3. In the left side menu click on Permission schemes link and access to any permission scheme
4. For each project you can configure who can associate layouts, who can edit values and who can view project values.