(8.6.0) Project statistics

(8.6.0) Project statistics

We are really glad to introduce our new Project statistics gadget. This new gadget comes as an improvement that our team and customers believed that needed to be done.

This improved feature will allow you to display project statistics from a specific project field or a PQL.

The screenshot above shows how much of an improvement this will make in your project reporting. 

How to configure "Projects statistics" gadget

The first steps are the same as adding a new gadget into your Jira Dashboard, just by selecting "Add a gadget" and searching for Projectrak gadgets. 

Upon selecting "Projectrak project statistics" you will see the configuration screen for it. Here you will be able to set up the information you want to be shown in the gadget. Here you will find the following fields:

1. Title: this will allow you to set up a name for the gadget in order to recognize it at first glance.

2. Source of the gadget: here you will be able to choose between fetching your information form a PQL query (if left empty, the gadget will show the results for all your projects) or an already saved Projectrak filter. 

3. Project fields to base the gadget on: here is the most important part because you will be able to select the field you want to see statistics from. For example, a Status type field called "Status". 

4. Sort results by: this section will let you choose the sorting of the results in 2 different ways (Projects per values, Alphabetical order).

5. Maximum rows: here you will be able to show how many rows to show in the gadget. You can choose from 1 row all the way up to 50 rows, it's up to you. You can also choose whether to see the total number of results or not. 

6. Bar colors: this is one of our greatest improvements, that will allow you to choose the colours you want in your statistics. For example, after selecting the "Status" field, it can be really useful to select the colors in which these statuses have been defined when creating the Projectrak custom field. You will also be able to customize the gadget with the colours of your own choosing.

As soon as you hit the "Save" button you will see the project statistics gadget in action! 

By choosing the total of projects that the chart is representing (on the top right corner of the results list), you will be taken to Projectrak Project Navigator where you will see the complete list of results. 

By clicking on the number of projects will bring you back to the project navigator's list view and show you those projects that fall under that specific value. 

Extra features

Why is having your stats shown on screens is good for you and your company? Because you can build reports on those statistics. This is why we have added Excel and PDF export. The Exel export will only download the results table with the configuration that you chose before, whereas the PDF export will download the whole gadget, in full-blown format.

PDF export result

Excel export result