(3.7.X) Key feature differences

(3.7.X) Key feature differences

Migration to Cloud

Exporter is a simple tool that only stores information about scheduled exports. To simplify the migration process, we have decided not to build an automatic migration process. Instead, we will start from scratch in a clean instance. This will allow us to ensure that the migration is complete and accurate.

Migration process

To ensure that you do not lose data, please follow these steps:

  1. Migrate your Jira data using JCMA (Jira Cloud Migration Assistant) or via backup.

  2. Once your migration is complete, install Exporter from the Atlassian Marketplace.

  3. Manually recreate the scheduled exports that you created in Server or Data Center. Note that we have recently added a new feature that allows users to include other recipients.

  4. Start using Exporter again!

Feature parity comparison

While preserving the whole experience on both installations Exporter Data Center/Server and Cloud only differ in 2 things. As you can see in the table below, Exporter Cloud will not be able to export your issues in PDF format or export your issues' attachments. That's it. The rest is the same experience. 

Exporter Features

Exporter Data Center / Server 

Exporter Cloud 

Export format 

Export to Excel



Export to CSV



Export to PDF



Bulk link Jira issues to a new or existing one



Extra content










Scheduled Exports

