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To perform this use case, you need to have technical knowledge. If you need any kind of help, you can contact us through

Here we describe the creation of an Automation rule to set the value of an issue field, when the issue of a certain type is created, getting the value of from a Projectrak field.

0. Get the Projectrak field id


In the following example the id is: 42288, for the “Status” field.


1. Create an automation rule

Go to: Settings \ System \ Global Automation, and create a new rule.


Create a new trigger → Issue createdImage Removed


3. Restrict to a issue type

Create a new condition to run the rule only for a issue type.
In this case for “Task” issue type.


4. Get the Projectrak authorization token


If you don’t have a Projectrak API tokentoken” yet, follow the first steps (1 to 5) of the link below.
If you have already got it, you can reuse it.
