Exporter Scheduled exports will allow you to set regular issue list exports for when you need them the most.
This feature comes as a complement to the original export.
1. First, you'll need to follow these steps from Exporter: for Excel, CSV and PDF
2. Once you are in the last step, you will now have the choice to select when to export the list of issues. By selecting "Schedule export (beta)" you will be able to configure a scheduled export.
3. In this window, you may choose between selecting a day (or several) during the month, or one day (or several) during the week to send the scheduled export. By completing the configuration and saving it, you'll be all set up. Please, keep an eye on the time zone where this export should be sent, as the Exports will be launched at 00:00 from the selected day in the configuration. Also, you can decide which are the users that will receive the mail to download the export.
4. When the scheduled export launches, you will receive an email letting you know that the export you configured is ready to download and will be available for 24 hours.
5. By clicking on the link included in the email, you'll be taken to Exporter's page so you can download the export.
And that is it! You have successfully scheduled and received a Scheduled export.
Now that you have your scheduled exports up and running, it is time to manage them.
1. In the Apps menu, you will be able to access this page by clicking on "View all scheduled exports".
2. Once here, you will be able to see a list of the Scheduled exports with some important information about them:
Name, Owner: who created it
Frequency: when the export will be launched
Last Export: when was the last time this export has been launched
Status: show whether your scheduled Export is Active or Paused
Exported Data: the actual list of issues to export - you can go straight to the Issue navigator to see that list
Executions: here you will be able to see the logs from a particular scheduled export.: if it runs as expected, if it failed, etc
Actions: that will allow you to run the export now, edit the export, and delete that schedule for that export.