
To perform this use case, you need to have technical knowledge. If you need any kind of help, you can contact us through

(info) It is not necessary to create a Project, just avoid the second step of the automation rule

Create an automation rule

1. Configure trigger

Create a new trigger → When issue transitioned

2. Create a project

Generate a base64 authentication for the Jira user

Generate a string in base64 with the text "<JIRA_USER>:<JIRA_API_TOKEN>"

1. Use the terminal:


2. Store the result (something like this):

Configure action

Add component → New action → Send web request

3. Store the project ID in a variable

Add component → New action → Create variable

4. Get the authorization token

Add the steps “Get the Projectrak JWT” and then “Store the JWT in a variable“, described at this link:

If you don’t have already created a Projectrak API token , you have to do so as described in the first steps of the above link. If you have already got it, you can reuse it.

5. Update the project fields with the issue fields

Add component → New action → Send web request