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You will be able to to set a default Projectrak layout for every Jira project type that  that is defined for your projects. Upon the selection of a default type, every time you create a project that matches that project type, the Layout will will automatically be associated with  with that new project.

Setting a layout as default layouts

1. Go to the Projectrak Projectrak and select layouts. 

2. Once on this screen, select the the more options button (...).  

3. From the sub-menu, select select Set as default for new projects.
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4. Select Select one (or more) of the  of the Jira project types

5. From now on, any new project that is created, will be automatically associated to the layout that matches the project type. 

NOTE: you will will know which layout is set to default for  for which Jira Project type by by following the Project type's icon in  in the layout's box. 

Unselect a default layout 

If you want to change  change or unselect that  that Layout as the default one for those project types, here are these these simple steps that  that might help you:

1. Go to the Projectrak Projectrak and select layouts.

2. Once on this Screen, select the the more options button (...).

3. From the sub-menu, unselect the project type you  you selected before.
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