Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

In this section, you will be able to learn about Projectrak field types. How to configure and set them up and what you can do with each one.


Table of Contents


List fields are used to create a list of values. The values can be added manually or imported from an external data source.


For the list type of field you have to fill the following fields:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.

  • Sort A-Z: You can order the options alphabetically, delete them, or change the order in which they are displayed. You can also drag and drop the values in the order you want.

  • Set value ID different than name: You can specify different values and id's for the list options. 

  • Enabled: You can enable and disable the values according to your needs.


Once you select the option you will have to complete the field creation form.
For the text type you have to fill the following fields:

  • Name

  • Description


  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.



This is a number field that can only store (floating point) numbers.

For the number type you have to fill the following fields:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.

  • Prefix: you can optionally add a prefix to your number.

  • Suffix: you can optionally add a suffix to your number.


For the date type you have to fill the following fields:

  • Name

  • Description


  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.



This field can be used to store time estimates (2w 5d 3h…)

For the duration type you have to fill:

  • Name

  • Description


  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.



This field stores Jira status-type values that can be used to reflect the status of a project

For the status type you have to fill the following fields:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.

  • Options: you can select text and a color for each status.

  • Sort values: you can drag and drop the values in the order you want.

  • Enabled: you can enable and disable the values according to your need


For the priority type you have to fill the following fields:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.

  • Options: you can select text and a color for each status.

  • Sort values: you can drag and drop the values in the order you want.

  • Enabled: you can enable and disable the values according to your need.


For the User type you have to fill:

  • Name

  • Description


  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.



This field type can be used to select a Jira project from an auto-complete list.


For the project type you have to fill:

  • Name

  • Description


  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.



This field is a read-only field that automatically calculates a value based on numeric data from Jira fields or based on calculations between fields from Projectrak.

For the formula type, you have to fill:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Field values security: You can decide who views or edits the value of your field. Go to last section for more information.

  • Operation

    • Sum values of an issue field: sum up values of a specific issue field by project.

    • Count issues: get an issue count per project.

    • Average values of an issue field: generate the average of issue field at a project level.

    • Calculations based on values of project fields: execute calculations based on project fields.

  • Jira Field (For Sum, Count and Average)the Jira field with which the calculation is to be made.

  • Build the expression (For calculations based on values of project fields) the expression with the mathematical formula.

  • Filter issues with a JQL (For Sum, Count and Average)

  • Prefix: you can optionally add a prefix to your formula.

  • Suffix: you can optionally add a suffix to your formula.


Use the Validate expression button to ensure you are using a correct expression.



Field values security

The value of a field can be restricted so only a certain individual or group of individuals can view or edit it. These restrictions are subjected to the permissions selected in the Permission Scheme of each project, see Manage permissions section.


  • Public (limits the options for viewers)

  • Any logged in user (limits the options for viewers)

  • Nobody

By default, editors will always have the possibility to view too.
