It returns the calculation of the Budget minus the Incurred Cost in the current project
1. Create a Projectrak Number field called "Budget".
2. Create a Projectrak Script field called "Incurred Cost"
3. Create a Projectrak Script field called "Remaining budget.
4. Insert the following Groovy script and modify according to your instance into "Remaining budget" field
Groovy Script
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package deiser.profields.scripts import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.FieldService import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.number.NumberField import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.script.ScriptField import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.value.ValueService import java.text.NumberFormat // Configuration def BUDGET_FIELD_ID = 20 def INCURRED_COST_FIELD_ID = 22 // Components def fieldService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(FieldService.class) def valueService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(ValueService.class) def jiraAuthenticationContext = ComponentAccessor.jiraAuthenticationContext // Get the fields def budgetField = fieldService.get(BUDGET_FIELD_ID) def incurredCostField = fieldService.get(INCURRED_COST_FIELD_ID) // Get the field values in the current project def budget = valueService.getValue(project, (NumberField) budgetField) ?: 0 def incurredCost = valueService.getValue(project, (ScriptField) incurredCostField)?:"0" def incurredCostBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(incurredCost) // Returns the difference between the budget and the incurred cost def numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(jiraAuthenticationContext.locale) numberFormat.maximumFractionDigits = 0 numberFormat.minimumFractionDigits = 0 numberFormat.groupingUsed = false return numberFormat.format((budget - incurredCostBigDecimal)<0?0:(budget - incurredCostBigDecimal)) |
7. The result show be something like this: (please, keep in mind that this is only an example and your results should vary from what it is shown in the screenshot).