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In this section, you will be able to learn about Projectrak field types. How to configure and set them up and what you can do with each one.


This field is a read-only field that automatically calculates a value based on a Jira field (number or time tracking field).numeric data from Jira fields or based on calculations between fields from Projectrak.

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Formula field allows you to perform the following calculations:

  • Sum values of an issue field: sum up values of a specific issue field by project.
  • Count issuesget an issue count per project.
  • Average values of an issue field: generate the average of issue field at a project level


  • .
  • Calculations based on values of project fields: execute calculations based on project fields.

For the formula type, you have to fill:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Operation
  • Jira Field (For Sum, Count and Average) the Jira field with which the calculation is to be made
  • Build de expresion (For calculations based on values of project fields )


    the expression with the mathematical formula


    Build mathematical expressions using:

    • Math symbols such as + - * / ( )
    • Numbers.
    • Projectrak number, duration or formula field types.

    Time fields calculations

    Time fields return their values in seconds, and they consider Jira time tracking configuration. Learn more.
    E.g.: time tracking = 5d/week - 8h/d -> 2d = 16h = 57600sec

    How to insert Projectrak fields
    Type field_ followed by the field ID: field_44. See IDs on field manager

    Use cases

    Use caseExample
    Remaining time = Estimated time - Total timespentfield_ID - field_ID
    % spent = ( Total spent * 100 ) / Budget( field_ID * 100 ) / field_ID
    % progress = Resolved * 100 / ( Resolved + Unresolved )field_ID * 100 / ( field_ID + field_ID )

  • Filter issues with a JQL (For Sum, Count and Average)
titlePlease note
  • Values will be calculated according to the user's permissions for the application.
  • JQL is used for more accurate calculations, this search will be performed by a service, not a specific user. So please, keep in mind that Date and user functions can return inconsistent results, E.g. currentUser(), lastLogin().
  • The synchronization process for the formula fields takes around 3 hours to be completed. So if at first, you don't see any results, please wait until the whole process is done. 
